Consultation On Streamlining Planning Processes

As part of its Permitted Development Rights review, the Scottish Government is consulting on measures that would aim to save applicants the time and expense of applying for planning permission for some types of development.

Consultation proposals include:                                      

  • outdoor restaurant seating could be permitted without a planning application under new proposals to support the hospitality industry

  • relaxing the need to seek planning permission for electric vehicle charging infrastructure in car parks or at filling stations

  • allowing a wider variety of changes of use for premises in the city, town and local centres to promote more rapid adaption to changing circumstances

  • permitting conversion of buildings to small workspaces to support local innovation and entrepreneurship as part of the national strategy to transform the economy

The consultation has been published today and will run for 12 weeks.

During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the Scottish Government has encouraged local authorities to take a relaxed approach to planning control where this can help businesses to continue to diversify and operate in difficult circumstances.

This included allowing pubs, restaurants and cafes to have more seating outside. The consultation suggests permanently relaxing the need to seek planning permission for outdoor seating and other moveable furniture.

Development of larger and more powerful rapid chargers in car parks and conversion of filling stations from petrol and diesel to electric could be permitted without a planning application under the proposals.

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