New Gourock Housing Development Proposed Following Agreed Sale of McPherson Centre

Titan Homes (Scotland) Ltd has applied for planning permission from Inverclyde Council to build 22 family homes at the site of the former McPherson Centre in Gourock.

The semi-detached properties on land bounded by Tower Drive, Jacobs Drive and McPherson Drive would each have three bedrooms.

The McPherson Centre was declared 'surplus’ to requirements by Inverclyde Council in 2018 and subsequently closed following a merger with Greenock's Fitzgerald Centre.

In April 2020, Titan Homes were identified as the preferred bidder by the Council following a competitive procurement process, with Gourock-based Rebecchi Architectural supporting the design of the development.

The proposed site has since completed Stage 1 and 2 of the environmental risk assessment reports, including a drainage impact assessment, Bat and Bird assessment alongside the landscape proposals for the overall development.

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Titan Homes spokesperson, Frank Kelly said:

“We are excited by the prospect of this development and believe this will create 22 highly desirable houses to Gourock as well as supporting Inverclyde Council’s repopulation strategy.

“Titan Homes continues to utilise the Inverclyde economy where possible and have successfully appointed several local firms to support the delivery of the project, and we hope where possible we can use other local suppliers for required materials.

”Assuming our application is successful, we expect to be onsite by the end of 2020 should the Covid-19 pandemic cease, with the first houses ready for occupancy in late Spring 2021.”

Titan Homes has also confirmed the appointment of Gourock-based property firm Bowman Rebecchi to support the marketing and sales of the development, with houses expected to be available in the £225,000 to £250,000 range.

Bowman Rebecchi Directors, Andrew Bowman and Marco Rebecchi said:

“Bowman Rebecchi is delighted to be appointed to support the marketing and sales of this development alongside Titan Homes and bring these to market.

“We have already received interest from several parties, and should planning approval be granted, expect to begin pre-sales later this autumn.”

“This promises to be a fantastic development that will further enhance the local housing stock and will secure some much-needed new housing for Gourock to meet the growing demand in Inverclyde.”