Consultation On The Proposed Lease of Site At Kempock Street, Gourock

Inverclyde Council is considering granting a lease of part of the gap site on Kempock Street, Gourock between Café Continental and Sainsbury’s (the Property), and is keen to hear the views of the community on this proposal so these can be considered when a decision is reached on whether or not to proceed. 

The Council intends to grant a lease of the Property on the following terms:

  • the tenant will be Rowanplan Properties Limited;

  • the start date is to be agreed, but anticipated as soon as reasonably practicable;

  • the lease will last for 20 to 25 years; and

  • a structure will be built on the Property by the Tenant for use as an external dining and drinks area at street level, and as a bin store at lower ground level;

  • for an open market rent; and

  • on normal commercial full repairing and insuring terms.

A plan showing the location of the Property and a drawing showing the intended structure can be downloaded here.

The Property is part of the Council’s common good estate, which means the Council must carry out this consultation under the 2015 Act before deciding whether or not to proceed. Consultation is also necessary in terms of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1959 as the Property forms an open space.

It is the view of Council officers that in this instance the Council must also obtain court authorisation in terms of Section 75 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 before granting any lease of the Property.

The Council will let the court know about this consultation and any representations or comments received when seeking such authority.

Further Details